The vacuum system has three functions, one for deaerating the product, one for avoiding foaming during the process and one for drawing dry or liquid ingredients, into the tank under liquid level which makes it a clean, fast and efficient way to add ingredients.
The vacuum pump gives you completely power over the mixing or ingredients with its quick suction and high capacity. If you need to boil down a product, then you can do it with continuous heating to boiling point. This process can be speeded up by applying the vacuum together with the heating. The vacuum pump will then be sucking the vapouring steam from the product media. The vacuum will then lower the product temperature, and the steam will start heating towards the set-point again. Then this continuously adding of steam to the jacket will speed up the boil down process.
Vacuum by Limitech A/S
With vacuum the boiling point can be lowered to 50 degrees celsius providing you the possibility to fit it to your exact process. Dry ingredients will be added from the bottom of the tank and will be mixed in immediately. No dry products will then lay on top of the liquid product. In combination with a condenser, you can additionally use vacuum to remove moist from a product.
Looking at the advantages of using vacuum you can avoid errors during production, and you will get an end product without lumps/fish eyes, rapid process without waste and more filled bottles a glass per hour. The lesser air in the end product makes it easier to bottle, minimize air bubbles in the product and avoid expensive investments in deaerator as the system is multifunctional. Quick reduction of the temperature from 100 to 60 degrees C when using vacuum and cooling in the dimple jacket at the same time. Vacuum can also in combination with condenser cool down faster by evaporating steam/energy from the product.