Machine for custard
Custard also known as crème patisserie, stirred custard, boiled custard, soft custard, light custard, crème anglaise and even flan has been around since the middle ages and was traditionally used as filling for pies. A simple custard tart was during that time period a popular dessert. Custard is a dairy product, sometimes made of cheese or cream, and is often used as a confectionery in bakery or as a dessert, or as a filling or spread on bread.
Short history about custard
Custard is an important component to desserts in several countries over the world. Custard mixes is available in most supermarkets are extremely popular both because of its long expiration date and because its readymade and therefore easy to quickly whisk together. They are easy for everyone to mix and after minutes a delicious custard is ready for use.
Mixing equipment for custard
The SuperFlow 1 inline machine from Limitech is a high shear inline mixer. The SuperFlow 1 inline has several different standard features as well as optional features. Limitech is the manufacturer of food processing machinery as for example custard. Mixing equipment perfect for the production of custard.

Limitech’s high shear mixer is world known and could by far be categorized as the mixers answer on “Mike Tyson’s left hook”. Its capacity, efficiency and power has been perfectionated for decades into the mixer it is today. Limitech’s High Shear Mixer is used in several different industries as in the adhesives, food, personal care, pharma, plastic industries, etc. among others because of the possibility for easy changing of mixing tools which makes Limitech’s High Shear mixer both versatile and multifunctional.
The Limitech High-Shear mixer is the frontrunner it its field and secure high capacity and efficiency while being innovatively perfectionated to fit perfectly into a lot of different industries, and to be able to be fit a specific process of a given product. The process solution may be versatile to fit into the process of several different industries; however, it has been perfectionated for years into different mixing tools fitting different processes, industries and products.