Machine for icing
Icing, glace, frosting, topping or cream – whatever the wording, which often depends on the region of the world one finds oneself; the delicious and creamy noun has gained a bigger foothold in the cake industry over the years.
Short history about icing
Originally, icing was applied to cakes for then to be placed back in the oven momentarily to harden and be given a sheen, this was also to increase some of the shelf life of some baked goods. The earliest attestation of the verb “to ice” in this sense seems to date back to the 1600 and the noun icing originates from 1683 – frosting however was not attested until before the 1750s. The first buttercream frosting is said to have originated in Germany back in 1915 and is now one of the most popular types of icings in the world. Used to coat or decorate baked goods and artistries’ cakes.
Why choose process equipment and lines from Limitech
By choosing a process solution from Limitech we guarantee efficiency and multifunctionality, all in one mixer. The machine is developed to process icing of different textures and in a high range of different volumes. Because of the power of the LiMiX 1 machine it is perfect for the processing of icing. Limitech is a food machinery company who for decades has designed process equipment to for example icing.

Limitech’s high shear mixer is world known and could by far be categorized as the mixers answer on “Mike Tyson’s left hook”. Its capacity, efficiency and power has been perfectionated for decades into the mixer it is today. Limitech’s High Shear Mixer is used in several different industries as in the adhesives, food, personal care, pharma, plastic industries, etc. among others because of the possibility for easy changing of mixing tools which makes Limitech’s High Shear mixer both versatile and multifunctional.
The Limitech High-Shear mixer is the frontrunner it its field and secure high capacity and efficiency while being innovatively perfectionated to fit perfectly into a lot of different industries, and to be able to be fit a specific process of a given product. The process solution may be versatile to fit into the process of several different industries; however, it has been perfectionated for years into different mixing tools fitting different processes, industries and products.