Short history of the origin of cheese sauce
Cheese sauce or cheddar cheese is a traditional sauce especially in English cooking. The sauce is made on the base white sauce, which is considered to be one of the ‘mother sauces’, and cheddar cheese. According to Nick Rogers, who have researched the history of cheese dip, the dish was invented by Blackie Donnelly, the original owner of Mexico Chiquito restaurants. Others claim that cheese dip was invented either at a Mexican restaurant in Hot springs or in Texas.
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Cheese sauce popularity is so high that a championship around the sauce was implemented. The first World Cheese dip championship was held at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock in 2010. Hereafter it was held again in 2011 and 2012 but had a gap in 2013 with a scheduled return in 2014. The competition consists of both professional and amateur categories where separate awards is given. This is done by a panel of judges and spectators who have tasted and voted on their favorite cheese dip, from the different contestants.
Any profit from the competition go to Harmony Health Clinic, which is an organization that provides medical and dental care to under-insured in Arkansas. The latest cheese Dip championship was held on October 3rd, 2020.
Industrial equipment and machinery for cheese sauce
Limitech’s LiMiX 3 is developed to the process of cheese sauce. The machine guarantees a homogeneous end result without fish-lumps or particles. It gives a smooth and clear result guaranteeing a smooth and delicious blend.

Limitech’s high shear mixer is world known and could by far be categorized as the mixers answer on “Mike Tyson’s left hook”. Its capacity, efficiency and power has been perfectionated for decades into the mixer it is today. Limitech’s High Shear Mixer is used in several different industries as in the adhesives, food, personal care, pharma, plastic industries, etc. among others because of the possibility for easy changing of mixing tools which makes Limitech’s High Shear mixer both versatile and multifunctional.
The Limitech High-Shear mixer is the frontrunner it its field and secure high capacity and efficiency while being innovatively perfectionated to fit perfectly into a lot of different industries, and to be able to be fit a specific process of a given product. The process solution may be versatile to fit into the process of several different industries; however, it has been perfectionated for years into different mixing tools fitting different processes, industries and products.