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Here at Limitech we want you to find the machine that covers your needs, may it be a stand-alone machine or full process line, on this page you can use our filter down below to find the machine with specific functions, or if you’re familiar with our machine-lines already you can use the “jump to” function and view the machines for specific family lines.


The LiMiX  machines from Limitech A/S is an all in one process mixer as it can both cool, heat and mix equally effective. It is a multifunctional mixer offering everything needed – incl. maximum flexibility and multifunctionality. 

LiMiX 1
LiMiX 1 standard features High-shear mixing Changeable mixing tools: mixing...
LiMiX 2
LiMiX 2 standard features: High-shear mixing Changeable mixing tools: mixing...
LiMiX 3
Standard features: High-shear mixing Changeable mixing tools: mixing wheel, stator,...


The SuperFlow mixer is specially designed for dissolving powders in large quantities of liquid. It guarantees an eminent, efficient and homogenous stirring of the product.

SuperFlow 4 inline
Advantages Short process time / high capacity Low maintenance Safe...
SuperFlow 1 Batch
Super Flow 1 standard features: High shear mixing Changeable mixing...
SuperFlow 2 Batch
SuperFlow 2 Batch
Super Flow 2 standard features: High shear mixing Changeable mixing...
SuperFlow 4 Batch
SuperFlow 3 standard features: High-shear mixer unit with water flushed-seal...
SuperFlow 2 inline
SuperFlow 2 inline
SuperFlow standard features: High shear inline mixing Water Inlet on...
SuperFlow 1 inline
SuperFlow standard features: High shear inline mixing Water Inlet on...
SuperFlow 3 inline
SuperFlow standard features: High shear inline mixing Water Inlet on...
premix by Limitech.
SuperFlow 3 Batch
SuperFlow 3 standard features: High-shear mixer unit with water flushed-seal...


The buffer tank is used for processing pumpable product in the dairy – and food industry where high hygienic and functional design is great importance. The buffer tanks from Limitech comes as a staring point in two different models. The conical buffer tank and the cylindrical buffer tank.


Advantages: The process Adjustable holding time Preserve flavour Inactivation of...

CIP Units

The  Cleaning in place (CIP) is a highly effective cleaning system implemented in your process line to secure easer cleaning and no-cross- contamination of end products.

Storage Tanks

Limitech offers a high range of different storage tanks depending on requirements and usage. 


Rasper and shredder
Advantages: Solid construction Easy cleaning Rapid cutting Outlet height designed...

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