Limitech's mixers are unique process machines that with a highly efficient blend emulsify homogenously into a single substance. They are used throughout many industries during the manufacturing or processing period. Their powerful tools and blades allow mixers to work with a variety of materials. All mixers can be fitted with different mixing tools that can be changed at all times. This to ensure a multifunctional solution that will serve you for years without running short of options. The range covers functions from fine emulsions with oil droplets to to 1 micron to gentle cooking pressures with particles - all in the same tank. All options are suited fore very vicious products.
The Mixing wheel:
The high-speed mixer is mounted in the bottom of the tank in an angle maximizing the mixing effect and alowing the third product to be pumped out from the lowest point of the tank. When emptying the mixer there is no contact with the mixing unit when turned off, which allows for particles to be emptied out without being destroyed. The mixer operates with a centrifugal pump and pre-homogenizes the product to make almost instant emulsions and blends.
The Agitator:
The agitator system is designed to gently and effectively blend without destroying particles and at the same time efficiently scrape the inside tank wall to ensure maximum heating and cooling with transfer into the product. The agitator is equipped with a frequency converter for variable speed control of the motor. The agitator is an important co-player with the mixing tool, that make it possible to handle high viscous products.