Engineering department for process solutions
Highly flexible, agile, completely customized and experienced perfectly describes the process of a fully specialized engineered line from the founding father of engineered solutions, Limitech A/S.
For decades, Limitech has dominated the field of customized solutions for the food industry along with pharma, chemistry, personal care, etc. all over the world. Limitech believes that each process is different and often the machinery should be the same, which has turned into a whole engineering department dedicated to specialized technology and customizations build to fit exactly your process.
We have fathered the defining liquid mixing technology for decades. Our technology differs because it is highly efficient and simple. We often find that we can bring down the use of stabilizers due to the efficiency of the mixing technology. On several occasions, we have moved manufacturers from “kitchen” production to commercial production and hereby created the foundation for very healthy businesses. Our experience evolves around the whole system including dimensioning of pipework and pumps in which we take responsibility to ensure the correct output. Therefore, we only have happy customers.
Industrial engineering services requires extensive knowledge in industrial technologies and engineering sciences along with an in-depth knowledge of how each industry operate. Through Innovative product engineering practices, we turn ideas into viable business products. Industrial engineering is an engineering profession that concerns the optimization of complex systems in processes by developing, improving and implementing the desired solutions from clients.
Within our field, in which we have perfectionated for decades, we specialize in special engineered solutions. We are fortunate to have the best engineers and designers whose dedication is to engineer unique, special and customized products for our clients within all industries of manufacturing. Our multifunctional, agile and flexible approach has helped to develop complex systems and plants all around the world. To secure and guarantee the succession of each product our electrical engineers works with our PLC software system along with our engineering and design team to incorporate software alongside control panels into the final product. By working through this collaborative approach along with combining our decades long experience we bring a unique perspective to this industry and the engineering and design projects behind it.
Manufacturers come to us when they wish to scale up and man down, accommodate the ever changing needs from retailers, remove human error by using recipe systems and automation and secure consistency between batches, installing of hot & cold products in the same system and to clean automatically in the shortest possible time. Special engineered solutions in form of both standalone machines and fully customized systems in all shapes and sizes forged to fit a specific facility and work routine. Whatever your needs may be, we can construct and forge the perfect solution for you. Multifunctionality, customization and flexible solutions in stainless steel forged and incorporated with the highest technology of PLC software and CIP cleaning system. We, at Limitech, are experts in constructing specialized engineered solutions for our customers, especially forging solutions for tricky places and facilities requiring special height, weight and length.

We produce our systems in our own factory, assemble and test them before shipping and after shipping we install and run-in at the customers site. Our customers like us because of our mixing technology is unique in all liquid applications, we master the technology to perfection and hereby create unique solutions for the factories we help to create.
Limitech knows that their customers know what is S-M-A-R-T which is why through great dialogue about needs and requirements, Limitech can specially forge it in collaboration with you. Therefore, as it is our customers who is using machinery every day, they have sometimes thought of something that would make their process easier and in collaboration with us this can be developed into their new solution making a complete specialized engineered customization.
No job is too small or too big and all our customers will receive the best possible sparring to find their exact needs and requirements for each process and what is SMARTEST for in each individual process. Apart from standalone and fully automated systems for the industry of food, Pharma, chemistry and personal care – Limitech also engineer special tools and spare parts for the industry.
Limitech has through decades built up a highly valued expertise in engineering projects through for example its R&D department. In Limitech’s R&D projects they have worked as specialists within customized engineered solutions and technologies in collaboration with customers and thereby benefitted from each other’s know-how. This sort of collaboration has taught Limitech the knowledge of processes in the different products the company offer making it possible for Limitech to build the perfect machine for each of all products within food, powder dissolving, personal care, technology, chemistry and so on, benefitting Limitech’s customers and partners all over the world.
Limitech offers stand-alone machines in small, semi-, and fully automated systems with full installations, tubing, training as well as full sales/back-up service. Limitech’s R&D lines has been developed through great communication with customers and partners to effectuate and innovate each line perfect and efficiently.
In the backpack, Limitech carries a broad knowledge from different industries and a strong, innovative and world class engineering and technology knowledge and skillset. In addition, with the R&D department the company create innovative solutions and customized process systems and turn-key solutions for businesses all over the world. An engineering initiative that creates value for both Limitech and its partners. Limitech is a company that never stops moving forward in order to keep up its innovative steam while being ahead of customer’s needs. To keep on being the best you have to bring the best, which is a philosophy the company strikes hard on. Limitech’s department never stops developing and perfectionating its product lines and customizations department, while researching new engineering technologies. In order to stay on top of market trends and keep on being a dominating factor in the industry.