


As the words states; 'pre-mix' is used for a substance of ingredients being mixed before use. This is usually done in a tank connected to the main tank in the system. here parts of the ingredients are mixed before it is led into the main tank for the final process. So, Pre-mix thereby usually refers to a substance or object which is mixed in an early stage in the manufacture and distributing process.

Prre-mixing by Limitech A/S

The process of pre-mixing is used as a sub-unit to another process or final process. When a pre-mixer is used together with a process tank. Then pre-mixing gives the advantage to shorten the total process time. This also result in better quality on the final product where the pre-mix solution is used. It also results in better pre-mixture which often result in savings on expensive ingredients because of the better dissolving in the Limitech pre-mixer. 

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