Machine for paint
Paint can be traced many years back in our history were several ingredients were used as substitute for the paint we know today. The first ancestors using paint is stated to have traced back to the Spanish and French people. More than 20,000 and 25,000 years ago, paint ingredients included things like earth pigments, charcoal, juice from berries and fruit, grease, blood, etc. These forms of paint were used both for decoration and as a coating as for example to protect the woods on ships. This was a practice used by the Egyptians and Hebrews.
Short history about paint
It was in the 1700’s the first American paint mill was built. The mill was located in Boston, Massachusetts by Thomas Child. However, the first patent for paint was not purchased before 1865 by D.P. Flinn, but it was not until 1867 that Flinn began supplying townsmen with paint and coating. Up to year 1930 stone mills was used to grind the pigments but evolved and was later substituted with steel balls. Today, it is either sand-mills or high-speed dispersions that are used in the production of paint.
Paint comes in a large variety of different textures, colors and characteristics, but the common denominator is the importance of the process of high-speed dispersion of the liquid material.
Process equipment for paint
Paint is almost everywhere we look, but still, it is probably the fewest who think about the manufacturing process of paint, but thankful for our customers and people who enjoy the possibility to decorate one’s home with paint – Limitech has!
For decades, Limitech has manufactured machines for the process of paints. A lot goes into the process of paint and with Limitech’s machinery you are guaranteed a process solution and machine that is built and designed with a perfectionated view-point and to be a valuable part of your process of paints. At Limitech, we know your product need to be processed in the best product solution with machinery you can count on.

Limitech’s high shear mixer is world known and could by far be categorized as the mixers answer on “Mike Tyson’s left hook”. Its capacity, efficiency and power has been perfectionated for decades into the mixer it is today. Limitech’s High Shear Mixer is used in several different industries as in the adhesives, food, personal care, pharma, plastic industries, etc. among others because of the possibility for easy changing of mixing tools which makes Limitech’s High Shear mixer both versatile and multifunctional.
The Limitech High-Shear mixer is the frontrunner it its field and secure high capacity and efficiency while being innovatively perfectionated to fit perfectly into a lot of different industries, and to be able to be fit a specific process of a given product. The process solution may be versatile to fit into the process of several different industries; however, it has been perfectionated for years into different mixing tools fitting different processes, industries and products.