Machine for pesto
The popular sauce or spread pesto, is a sauce originally originated from Genoa in the Liguria region of Northern Italy. The first to mention the modern version of the condiment was Giovanni Battista Ratto back in 1870. The word pesto in the Italian dictionary is derived from a word meaning to “pound or crush” which probably come from how the different herbs were crushed by using a mortar or pestle. Pesto is today one of the most popular condiments in the world.
Short history about pesto
Pesto comes in a variety of different recipes and in different flavors, some traditional and some modern as the very noun ‘pesto’ is a general term for anything that is made by pounding. Northern Italy, Liguria to be more exact, is the home of the first pesto ever made, although Romans made a similar condiment with different herbs with the name “moretum” probably also leading back to mortar.
Process equipment for pesto
The LiMiX 1 is an all in one process mixer developed to e.g. pesto. The LiMiX 1 guarantees a homogenous and smooth blend along a fast production time. The LiMiX 1 allows you to make pesto of different texture and ingredients because of its multifunctionality and PLC control system. The mixer is a standard machine which comes in different sizes but can also be designed as a full process line.

Limitech’s high shear mixer is world known and could by far be categorized as the mixers answer on “Mike Tyson’s left hook”. Its capacity, efficiency and power has been perfectionated for decades into the mixer it is today. Limitech’s High Shear Mixer is used in several different industries as in the adhesives, food, personal care, pharma, plastic industries, etc. among others because of the possibility for easy changing of mixing tools which makes Limitech’s High Shear mixer both versatile and multifunctional.
The Limitech High-Shear mixer is the frontrunner it its field and secure high capacity and efficiency while being innovatively perfectionated to fit perfectly into a lot of different industries, and to be able to be fit a specific process of a given product. The process solution may be versatile to fit into the process of several different industries; however, it has been perfectionated for years into different mixing tools fitting different processes, industries and products.